Via Tiempo invites you to slow down and make time for yourself with a pot of seasonal tea. We pride ourselves in making the world of high quality Chinese and Taiwanese teas approachable and intuitive. The natural tempo of the seasons offers its own cadence of appreciation, and each season's unique flavor accentuates different teas' best qualities.

Seasonal Tea Journey

Traditional teas from wild gardens and ancient forests hold the spirit of time—tended by the families who have been cultivating tea in the same storied mountains for centuries.

Curated by the Tea Peddler, presented with an evocative seasonal scroll, and offered in a variety of sizes and frequencies that make it easy and fun to deepen your connection to artisan tea.

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Michael the Tea Peddler’s seasonal teas, evocative letters, and beautiful labels convey something special that tea-lovers know well: the spirit of tea! Extending from his own Taoist seasonal practice, Michael’s welcoming invitation into seasonal tea radiates the ease and naturalness you hope for in tea culture. It helps that each tea is amazing... you’re definitely going to find some new favorite teas, and you may even gain a new perspective or love for the seasons. -Una

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